Toke Krainert

Lead Level Designer

Miscellaneous Level Design


Apart from A House Built on Sand, and later The Vector, I contributed to the design of several other levels for HITMAN (2016).

Situs Inversus

Situs Inversus is a story mission for HITMAN (2016) set in a high-end private hospital on Hokkaido, Japan.


  • I designed and implemented the Mission Stories Tell-Tale Heart and No Smoking, including NPC scripting, gameplay setups, and flow.
  • I also designed and implemented the NPC behaviors and gameplay setups in the morgue beneath the hospital and Yuki Yamazaki's apartment.

A Gilded Cage

A Gilded Cage is a story mission for HITMAN (2016) built around a Swedish consulate in Marrakesh, Morocco.


  • I designed the layout of the shisha cafe, marketplace, and rooftops to support both A Gilded Cage and the bonus mission A House Built on Sand simultaneously.
  • I also designed and implemented the moving crowd in the marketplace and the protesting one in front of the consulate.

Club 27

Club 27 is a story mission for HITMAN (2016) set in a luxury hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.


I designed and implemented the behaviors of three key characters:

  • Mrs. Mookjai, the hotel manager.
  • Jackie Carrington, former sitcom star.
  • Julian, Jackie's lover.


Landslide is a bonus mission for HITMAN (2016) built atop our story mission World of Tomorrow in Sapienza, Italy.


  • I designed and implemented the Mission Story Stage Fried, including NPC behaviors, gameplay setups, and flow.
  • I designed and implemented the NPC behaviors, gameplay setups, stealth routes, and crowd behavior around the stage and backstage areas.
  • I designed and implemented the logic of the band playing on the stage.